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About me

I am a self-taught mystic and fantasy digital artist, born in Jena (Germany) in 1973, and took interest in painting and literature since I was a child.
I'm a very big dreamer, love the magic of fantasy and can't live without painting. I love colorful art in all variations. There are so many wonderful artists inspiring me.


After an education to an graphic artist I recommenced to paint and illustrate. While this time I started to paint more and more, begann to implement different projects and accepted my first commissions.

In the summer of 2007 I have discovered the digital painting technique for myself as the best way to create artwork. I experimented in many techniques like: watercolor, pencil, colored pencil, acrylic, ink and pastel to find out the best for me, but my favorite medium to create artwork is Photoshop.

In 2011 I had a big break in my life. I was very ill and can't paint anymore for some years. It was the hardest time for me and I had to learn a big lesson. And now I can tell all of you one thing:

Never... really never give up! Be always hopeful and ask you, what this problem in my life will tell me. What should I learn.

And I'm so thankful for this big problem I had, because I've learned to accept, that all things have their right time and I found the true love in my life, the love to myself...


And now - finally - I start again in 2016 with my big dream to be an fantasy artist, creating many wonderful paintings for me and for you to be happy and bring a little bit color and light in this freaky world! I hope you enjoy my passion and I can inspire you.

And I wish to encourage young artists to believe in themeselves and never give up to go your own way to be happy with your dream and live it!


© 2023 Tatjana Willms. Erstellt mit

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